Theoretical Probability

Life is a sexually transmitted disease. No me no fun, KNOW me KNOW fun.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

"Size Does Matter" – A Biography of my unnamed friend - Part1

Now now, before you start cracking Lil’ Johny jokes, let me elucidate a bit.

Was in the bed squirming, at 6am in the morning, for the insomniac that I have become [sigh!]. Then suddenly I have this idea, “Why not write a biography about one of my very close friend, and then ask him to write one about me and then swapping our masterpieces and changing the title to Autobiography”?. Great idea right? Worth writing at this odd hour! So anyways, here it goes. Now before I start, let me tell you that as we are going to swap our work, I am going to write in first person ;).

Also, since everybody is writing their blogs in text, let me put some animation and characters in this biography and transform it into a movie, atleast story wise okey?

Chalo then lets have a mahurat shot…. where’s the coconut?

[ Scene-1 Biography-I – The Early Days ]

Picture this scene in black and white… and with some scratches on the VHS tape (in short a very old movie if you please. Back when I was in LKG)

A little boy is trying to have his lunch with his girl next door sweetheart. He is an obedient and a certified “Good Boy”. Teachers used to address him as “Hey “Good Boy” please come here” and “Wow good boy, you are so great! Here’s a chocolate for you.”

Now coming back to the context, so he was having lunch with his sweet friend when this bully (with a big mole on his cheek and a scar spanning his face and in UKG…sheesh big guy this) comes and puts mud in his lunch box.

Now as our lil kid here is a “good boy” right, so he ignores imbecility of the bully and turns a blind eye to his actions.

But you know the psychology of a bully right? They are very persistent. So, obviously, this bully starts pushing and poking this “good boy” and in other words, tries his level best to pick up a fight. At that time our “good boy” doesn’t know that the bully has a big time crush on the lil’ sweet girl by his side (you can say that there is a twist in this story!).

Now the little sweet gal by the “good boy”s side doesn’t want the bully to get the better of her mate so she starts to shout “Run good boy RUN!” and then she shouts again and again and again and again…. Until the good boy is out of the scene or too small to be visible by a camera, unless a n00b director tries to shoot this film with a telescope instead of a camera :).

/* Next shot : The camera zooms to the little feet of the “good boy” and in a Speilberg’s blockbuster level of graphics, they are magically transformed into the feet of a teenage boy running AFTER a bully */

CUT Great shot :)

[ End Scene-1]

More to follow in this “future Oscar winning” Biographical work… Stay tuned! (Hope my friend accepts his biography in a .avi format rather than the .doc or .txt one.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i could not make head and tail of this post..
please elucidate and mention the name of this "good boy".. "good boy" seems to be a lame name...

4:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just the first part of the post... you will surely know who the good boy is in the next series of this post.
Yours truly.

9:36 AM  

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